board of deacons
at First Presbyterian Church
The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service, after the example of Jesus Christ. It is the duty of Deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. Book of Order (G-6.0400)
Each Deacon is assigned to a designated zone (12-15 family units) to maintain contact with those zone members throughout the year. All members of the board serve on one of the two committees: Caring (Health Ministries) or Fellowship.
- Caring Committee: responsible for coordinating care on behalf of the congregation for church members who are ill, homebound, have had a death in the family, or have other special needs.
- Fellowship Committee: provides and plans for fellowship opportunities within the congregation - activities designed to make anyone at church, whether a visitor or a member, feel warmly welcomed and valued.